Today's Hours: 10:00am - 8:00pm

Our Story

A Strong Foundation

Denny & Jenny Polasek, the owners, and operators of Glimmering Oaks have a romance built on a strong foundation of family, tradition, and a legacy of love. That foundation is infused into the creation of this beautiful venue they’ve created as a portal back to simpler times. The parcel of land that this serene venue sits on has roots that run even deeper. For over half a century, this land has been in the Polasek family. Generations have come and gone, making memories here, raising families, and contributing to the surrounding community.

However, as with everything—time has a way of wearing things down. The maintenance and repairs needed on the land were just too heavy of a burden for the elders entrusted with Glimmering Oaks. The heartbreaking decision to sell was settled—it was time the land brought joy to a new family.

Denny & Jenny come from opposite ends of the country. Denny was born and raised in the heart of the Hill Country in San Antonio, and Jenny all the way up in Indiana. How they met is just as unlikely and spontaneous as the birth of Glimmering Oaks.

“We met in the most unlikely place, Las Vegas! When we first met, we had an immediate connection, like we were meant to be. Funny how life puts you in the right place at the right time!” — Jenny Polasek

Glimmering Legacy

Divine providence, some would call it, and that would be fitting when you consider what would come to pass. When Denny learned of the plan to sell, he and Jenny didn’t hesitate to roll up their sleeves and help the family clean up the land to put it on the market. It was during this clean-up effort that something magical was about to happen, something neither Denny nor Jenny could’ve ever imagined.

“It’s funny how cleaning up and going through the remnants of the past can ignite a passion within you. Passion for family, for legacies, and for the unbreakable bonds that weave together the past, present, and future in love.”—Denny Polasek

It was there, under the centuries-old oak trees that adorn Glimmering Oaks, that the namesake itself was born. The Polasek’s passion to hold on to their family memories while being able to help multitudes of others build theirs is what fueled the dream into fruition. While it was never the intention to sell within the family, it soon became evident that it was the only way to honor the generations that made Glimmering Oaks what it is. That legacy is what gave Denny & Jenny the inspiration for the name of this beautiful grandscape.

The Polaseks knew what needed to be done would be a huge undertaking, but their vision of Glimmering Oaks as a place of love, community, and legacy was too strong to ignore. Now, Glimmering Oaks is a welcome oasis in the beautiful Hill Country that welcomes all that wish to experience that magic for ANY event surrounded by the beautiful setting only nature can deliver. From weddings and quinceañeras to concerts, festivals, and art exhibits—everything that matters to anyone and everyone starts with LOVE.

“We felt the spark of that moment—sorting through the relics of the past while enjoying the bittersweet present—we saw a glimmer of the future. A future where not just one family, but hundreds of families could embark on making their memories for generations. What better place to begin than underneath the canopy of these beautiful oak trees?” —Jenny Polasek

Leave Your Legacy

That’s what the mission at Glimmering Oaks is, to spread our love and let it impact other families, the community, and everyone who we come in contact with. Won’t you let us be a part of your legacy?

Pick a date and time that works best for you.

20465 S Jett Road,
San Antonio, TX 78264



@ GlimmeringOaks

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